Monday, April 5, 2010

Rex's 8th Birthday

Once again I am playing catch up with the blog. Here is what we have been doing for the last 6 months.
Rex's 8th Birthday

Rex's birthday this year was the day after Easter so the kids were out of school. Les took the day off and we had fun doing what Rex wanted to do.

This is Rex's creation out of blocks. This set of blocks has been the best toy investment we made.

Rex with his birthday presents.

Ready to open presents.

Dinner at Biaggi's. Rex loves their big meatballs and spaghetti

We spent some time a the Clark Planetarium. The boys having fun with the weather map.

We went to the 3-D movie. I can't remember what we saw. I know we had a good time. I guess this is why you should keep a journal.

We also visited the Church History Museum. Rex had never been through the main floor exhibit. (We usually spend our time upstairs.) He loved trying out the sleeping arrangements that the saints experienced on the ships crossing the Atlantic.

Isn't he the cutest 8 year old!!!

Rex requested an Angle Food Cake for his Birthday. It's tasted a lot better than it looked.
Happy Birthday Rex!!!

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