Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rex is a Cub Scout & Spring Flowers

We had some beautiful flowers in our garden this spring.

tulips - tulips - tulips

With Rex turning 8 he is officially a Cub Scout.

Rex all ready for his first Den Meeting

Our cute Wolf

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Soccer can be dangerous

At soccer practice the other night Rex was going for a ball at the same time as a friend. They were focusing (heads down)on the ball and didn't see each other and there was a collision. Because Rex is the taller of the two boys he was the one to have his friend's head hit him in the cheek and eye. He was pretty miserable for several days but now that he is feeling better he is enjoying telling people about the accident and showing off his black eye.

Not the best picture but you get the idea.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rex plays Baseball

Rex started playing baseball this spring. He has a wonderful coach and he is really enjoying the experience.
He looks great in in "Bees" Shirt
Ready for the fly ball.

Ready to throw to first base for the out.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Crazy Hair Day 2010

Crazy Hair Day continues to come around each year.

I think the crazy faces help the look.



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunday Pictures

We purchased some new clothes for Rex to wear to his Baptism but in true Rex fashion he didn't want to wear them. The Sunday after his baptism the Bishop has the children that are baptized come up to the pulpit to receive a Book Of Mormon. We were able to convince Rex that it would be fun to wear his new clothes. Here are a few shots as we are leaving for church. What handsome boys.

Rex ready for church

Chase posing for the camera

Three good looking guys!!!

In order to get the smiling picture we had to have the crazy picture.

Rex's Baptism

Rex's Baptism Day
On April 10th, 2010 Rex was baptized by his father Les. It was an amazing day. We were blessed to have many of our family and friends join us for this great event. It was fun to watch Rex enjoy and understand the importance of the day.
Highlights of the day
- Grandma Isabel giving the opening prayer.
- The High Counselor in charge of the service asked the baptismal candidates to come up front and look over the audience. Rex came up and waved to the crowd in true Rex fashion.
- Witnesses cousins Ian and Jon - because both of Rex's grandpas have passed away Les asked him who he would like to have as his witnesses for the baptism. He thought about it and decided he would like his two cousins that were going on missions to serve as the witnesses. It was very tender to watch this two young men who were soon to leave on their missions witness this baptism realizing that within several months they would be preaching the gospel in Argentina and Brazil.
- Watching Les baptize Rex.
- Singing hymns as we waited for the confirmation.
- The amazing circle of men that surrounded Rex. The amazing women in the audience that have had a wonderful influence on him.
- Beautiful confirmation and blessing by Les
- a great celebration afterward with friends and family.
Fun Pictures from the day.

Rex and Les getting ready to leave for the church. Rex did not want to put on his tie until the last minute.

My boys!!!

My boys returning home from the baptism.

The family

Rex, Chase, Grandma Isabel, Margaret & Les

The cousins in the basement eating.

Rex and his cousins.

Melesa & Grandma Myrlene

Michelle and Kimberly

Athena, Zachary, Michelle

Quin and Margaret

Kent & Laurie

Ani, Dana, & Cindy

Doug & Ian

Becky, Grandma Isabel, Mary

Jon & Scott

Jeff & Paul

It was a beautiful day and after everyone left we went outside to enjoy the weather.

Rex enjoying his casual clothes

Les and Chase
Congratulations Rex!!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Rex's 8th Birthday

Once again I am playing catch up with the blog. Here is what we have been doing for the last 6 months.
Rex's 8th Birthday

Rex's birthday this year was the day after Easter so the kids were out of school. Les took the day off and we had fun doing what Rex wanted to do.

This is Rex's creation out of blocks. This set of blocks has been the best toy investment we made.

Rex with his birthday presents.

Ready to open presents.

Dinner at Biaggi's. Rex loves their big meatballs and spaghetti

We spent some time a the Clark Planetarium. The boys having fun with the weather map.

We went to the 3-D movie. I can't remember what we saw. I know we had a good time. I guess this is why you should keep a journal.

We also visited the Church History Museum. Rex had never been through the main floor exhibit. (We usually spend our time upstairs.) He loved trying out the sleeping arrangements that the saints experienced on the ships crossing the Atlantic.

Isn't he the cutest 8 year old!!!

Rex requested an Angle Food Cake for his Birthday. It's tasted a lot better than it looked.
Happy Birthday Rex!!!