Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 2010

St. Patrick's Day
We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a green dinner complete with menu written by Rex. Our meal included green lemonade, green salad, green beans, and green spaghetti (which didn't really work) and green cake (which fell apart)
Ready for dinner
Rex, Chase & Les ready to eat our green food.

Easter Egg Hunt
Each year Grandma hosts a wonderful Easter Egg hunt for the family. This year it was the week before Easter. The boys had soccer games so we were a little late and missed the hunt. The boys were very disappointed but Grandma had saved eggs for Rex and Chase so they were OK. We were able to enjoy a tasty lunch and great visiting and playing (for the boys) with the family.

Chase reading to Matthew

Margaret and Terry

Melesa with Zachary. She has the magic touch.

Dana and Cindy

Chase and Kiara

Chase had a fun time with the kids. Here Matthew and Kiara are tracing Chase with chalk.

Audrey, Rex & Alysha

We stopped at the Mt Timpanogos Temple on our way home from the Easter Egg Hunt.


Rex and Chase
I know this picture should be up with the others but I don't know how to move it. I am lucky to load what I do. Chris is a police officer and he had to leave the Easter Egg Hunt to go to work. He was in his uniform with all his equipment. The kids loved it. Rex even got to try on the handcuffs.
Audrey, Alysha, Rex and officer Chris.

1 comment:

Doug said...

You know that you have Irish ancestors.