Chase & Rex played Jr. Jazz this year. I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Rex but here are a few of Chase after his last game.

Coach Cary handing out awards and certificates

Chase with his trophy

Chase's team
FR - Josh,
Kelton, Cole W., Jake
BR - Coach Cary, Spencer ,
Brinton ,Cole P., Chase ,
Chase practicing his trombone
President's Day Bowling
We had a great time bowling with the family.

Rex waiting for his turn.

Chase after a great throw

Rex and Helen

Chase and

Rex after his turn.

Paul and Mary

Heber, Nathan, Marianne, Doug, Becky & Keith
BYU Ballroom Dancers
We were able to attend the
BYU Ballroom dancers when they performed at the Conference Center Theater. They were amazing and the kids really enjoyed it too. One of the kids favorite numbers was all done with black lights.

Emily, Chase,
Mikayla and Mary

Margaret and Rex
Rex getting ready to dance
As part of our schools arts program they have Tanner Dance come and teach the students modern dance. Rex class did a dance about the water cycle. Unfortunately my pictures of the dancing didn't turn out but here are a few of Rex as he prepares to dance.

Rex - ready to go

Rex patiently waiting his turn.
Colonial Fair
Chase is studying US history in 5
th grade. His class had a colonial fair in February. He received extra credit if he dressed up for the event.

Colonial hat from the costume store, white church shirt, baseball pants and mom's old white knee-hi socks made for a great outfit.
You look great Chase.